Fueling Future Leaders for an Equitable Tomorrow
Education is for everyone. As one of the pillars of our organization, it’s something we have always been strong advocates for. Malcolm X famously said, “Education is the passport to the future,” and for many learners, obtaining a passport is not met with any obstacles. But for a vast number of scholars, there are many barriers when it comes to receiving a good education - especially those disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Kwanza, together with tech powerhouses Brett Brewer and Brian Lee created LA Tech Cares to bridge the education gap for students from low-income families in Los Angeles. Since schools were closed as a measure to curb the spread of COVID-19, many students who rely on school for more than just education have suffered. Not only was school a safe space to learn and grow, for many students, it was also a place with resources they do not have access to at home.
Last year, LA Tech Cares partnered with Alliance College-Ready Public Schools and raised $290,000 to provide Wi-Fi hotspots and broadband access to students in need. This year, they are partnering with LA Education Recovery Fund and have set a $300,000 fundraising goal to provide students with academic resources, enrichment programs and mental health services. You can help by donating HERE.
With your support, LA Tech Cares will help meet a variety of urgent student needs.
Strong Support Systems
Nurture is everything. If there’s one thing learners need, especially at their vulnerable age, it's a strong sense of guidance and encouragement. Support and direction from teachers, counselors and even peers can be so crucial to a student’s performance and overall well-being. Low-income families continue to be disproportionately affected by the pandemic, through job loss, illness and death of loved ones, resulting in higher levels of trauma and mental health issues. LA Tech Cares will provide funding for mentors and mental health services to offer social and emotional care for students whose families can’t afford these critical resources.
Educational Support
School closures led to significant learning loss for many students from low-income families, exacerbating preexisting inequities and disparities in academic achievement. As the new school year begins, LA Tech Cares will fund “high-dosage” tutoring to bridge the educational gap and support student success. Additionally, the initiative will provide resources to help high school students navigate college and career paths.
After more than a year with limited in-person experiences, LA Tech Cares will provide funding to introduce children from low-income families to new places and educational experiences. Through field trips, sports, arts and music programs, students will be able to continue learning outside of the classroom. These opportunities will help them find and nurture their passions, talents and interests and shape their future career choices.
Before and After School Care
With many parents and guardians working long hours, before and after school programs offer a safe and supervised space for kids to spend time. They’d typically receive free, nutritious meals as well. As families traverse the complex and changing landscape of school reopenings, LA Tech Cares will provide support for consistent and reliable care outside of school hours.
Be the Change You Want To See
If you’re as passionate about education as we are, we encourage you to join us in supporting the students of Los Angeles. We want to see all learners from low income families enjoying an equal opportunity to learn and grow, so that they can thrive.
Are you ready to invest in the future? Click here to assist LA Tech Cares with reaching their $300,000 fundraising goal. Help us be the change in our lower-income Black and Latinx communities.
Together, we can.
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